DSSS - Of termite tales and other stories

  • Date: Oct 13, 2023
  • Time: 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Amy Zanne
  • Aresty Chair in Tropical Ecology Department of Biology University of Miami
  • Location: NO.002, MPI für Intelligente Systeme
 DSSS - Of termite tales and other stories

Deadwood is a large global carbon store with its store size partially determined by biotic decay. Microbial wood decay rates are known to respond to changing temperature and precipitation. Termites are also important decomposers in the tropics but are less well studied. An understanding of their climate sensitivities is needed to estimate climate change effects on wood carbon pools. I present results from a recently published study and other ongoing work comparing the relative role of wood-dwelling microbes and wood-feeding termites in decomposing wood around the globe. I also provide back stories on the development of the project and the large network of authors and collaborators.

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