Course: Animal Tracking with TRex

  • Beginn: 13.02.2025
  • Ende: 14.02.2025
  • Ort: online only
Course: Animal Tracking with TRex

Used DeepLabCut but want something lighter and faster? Want to learn to use an animal tracking tool that can work on videos from the wild? Want to keep track of multiple individuals and their identities? This is the workshop for you.


TRex is a light-weight, easy-to-use open source animal tracking tool with the capability to track hundreds of individuals simultaneously, developed at the MPI of Animal Behaviour at Konstanz by Dr. Tristan Walter and Dr. Angela Albi (both from the Couzin lab). This tool can potentially be used to track anything in the video, so its application is not limited to animals.

Find out more about this tool here:

e IMPRS MMFD in collaboration with the Center for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour (CASCB) at the MPI AB are offering a two day, hands-on workshop on using TRex. There are roughly 20 - 25 spots available, and the workshop is slated to take place at the MPI BC seminar hall on the 13th and 14th of February, 2025 from 13:30 - 18:00 on both days. The workshop will be given by Tristan and Angela, so you also get to ask for the inclusion of other features in the future!

Contact for registration details.

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